Writer Guide

Chapter 12
Tables of Contents, Indexes, and Bibliographies


This document is Copyright © 2011 by its contributors as listed below. You may distribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html), version 3 or later, or the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/), version 3.0 or later.

All trademarks within this guide belong to their legitimate owners.


Ron Faile Jr.
Hal Parker


Please direct any comments or suggestions about this document to: documentation@libreoffice.org


This chapter is based on Chapter 12 of the Writer Guide for OpenOffice.org. The contributors to that chapter are:

Martin Fox John Kane Rachel Kartch
Sigrid Kronenberger Peter Kupfer Paul Miller
Iain Roberts Gary Schnabl Rob Scott
Janet Swisher Catherine Waterman Jean Hollis Weber
Claire Wood Michele Zarri

Publication date and software version

Published 16 February 2011. Based on LibreOffice 3.3.

Note for Mac users

Some keystrokes and menu items are different on a Mac from those used in Windows and Linux. The table below gives some common substitutions for the instructions in this chapter. For a more detailed list, see the application Help.


Mac equivalent


Tools Options menu selection

LibreOffice Preferences

Access setup options



Open context menu

Ctrl (Control)

z (Command)

Used with other keys



Open the Navigator



Open Styles & Formatting window


Copyright 2

Note for Mac users 2

Introduction 5

Tables of contents 5

Creating a table of contents quickly 5

Customizing a table of contents 6

Index/Table page 7

Changing the title 7

Setting the type of index 7

Protecting against manual changes 7

Changing the number of levels included 7

Choosing the scope of the table of contents 7

Creating a table of contents from an outline 8

Creating from additional styles 8

Creating from index marks 8

Entries page 8

Adding elements 9

Changing elements 9

Applying changes to all outline levels 9

Deleting elements 9

Hyperlinking an entry 10

Applying character styles 10

Tab position relative to Paragraph Style indent 10

Styles page 11

Columns page 11

Background page 11

Adding Color 12

Adding a Graphic 12

Deleting a Color or Graphic 13

Maintaining a table of contents 13

Editing a table of contents 13

Updating a table of contents 14

Deleting a table of contents 14

Alphabetic indexes 15

Adding index entries 15

Creating an alphabetic index quickly 16

Customizing index entries 16

Example of using an index key 17

Customizing the appearance of an index 17

Index/Table page 18

Entries page 19

Adding elements 20

Changing elements 20

Deleting elements 20

Applying character styles 20

Formatting entries 20

Styles, Columns and Background pages 21

Columns page 21

Adding multiple columns 21

Maintaining an index 22

Viewing and editing existing index entries 22

Other types of indexes 22

Example: Creating an index of figures 23

Bibliographies 24

Creating a bibliographic database 24

Filtering records 25

Changing column details 25

Changing the data source 26

Changing field details 26

Adding entries to the database 27

Maintaining entries in the database 28

Adding a reference (citation) into a document 28

Formatting the bibliography 29

Index/Table page 29

Entries page 30

Styles, Columns and Background pages 30

Generating the bibliography 31

Defining the paragraph style for the bibliography 31

Updating and editing an existing bibliography 33

Tools for working with bibliographies 33


This chapter describes how to create and maintain a table of contents (TOC), an index, and a bibliography for a text document using LibreOffice Writer. To understand the instructions, you need to have a basic familiarity with Writer and styles (see Chapters 6 and 7).

This chapter does not cover all the possible ways to use the features available through the TOC/Index dialog boxes in Writer. Some common usage examples are given.

Tables of contents

Writer’s table of contents feature lets you build an automated table of contents from the headings in your document. Whenever changes are made to the text of a heading in the body of the document or the page on which the heading appears, those changes automatically appear in the table of contents when it is next updated.

Before you start, make sure that the headings are styled consistently. For example, you can use the Heading 1 style for chapter titles and the Heading 2 and Heading 3 styles for chapter subheadings.

This section shows you how to:


You can use any style you want for the different levels to appear in the table of contents; however, for simplicity, most of this chapter uses the default Heading [x] styles.

Creating a table of contents quickly

Most of the time you will probably find the default table of contents to be what you need. Inserting a default TOC is simple:

  1. When you create your document, use the following paragraph styles for different heading levels (such as chapter and section headings): Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3. These are what will appear in your TOC. Writer can evaluate up to ten levels of headings.

  2. Click in the document where you want the TOC to appear.

  3. Choose Insert Indexes and Tables Indexes and Tables.

  4. Click OK. The result will be a typical table of contents.

Some tips you may find useful:

This change may leave a gray background showing behind the dots between the headings and the page numbers, because the dots are part of a tab. To turn that shading off, go to Tools Options LibreOffice Writer Formatting Aids and deselect the option for Tabs.

If you add or delete text (so that headings move to different pages) or you add, delete, or change headings, you need to update the table of contents. To do this:

  1. Click anywhere in the TOC.

  2. Right-click and select Update Index/Table from the pop-up menu.

Customizing a table of contents

Almost every aspect of the table of contents can be customized to suit the style and requirements of your document. However, with the flexibility also comes some complexity and it is good to have in mind the desired end result.

Start by clicking in the document where you want the table of contents to appear and choose Insert Indexes and Tables Indexes and Tables to open the Insert Index/Table dialog box shown in Figure 1.


You can also access this dialog box at any time by right-clicking anywhere in an existing table of contents and choosing Modify from the pop-up menu.

The Insert Index/Table dialog box has five pages. Each of them covers a different aspect of the TOC structure and appearance:

You can display a preview box, located on the left-hand side of each page, to show as you work how the TOC will look. (If you do not see the preview box, select the Preview option in the lower right-hand corner of the dialog box.) The illustrations in this chapter show the dialog box as it appears with the preview box hidden.

After making all your changes, click OK to apply them. If you need to revert to the default settings, click the Reset button.

Index/Table page

Use the Index/Table page, pictured in Figure 1, to set the attributes of the TOC.

Changing the title

To give the table of contents a different title, type it in the Title field. To delete the title, clear the Title field.

Setting the type of index

In computer terminology, a table of contents is one of several types of indexes. Be sure the Type of Index is set to Table of Contents. See “Alphabetic indexes” on page 15 and “Other types of indexes” on page 22 for more about creating other types of indexes.


You can only change the type of index when you first create it. Once you define an index type (for example, make a table of contents) you cannot change the type.

Protecting against manual changes

To prevent the TOC from being changed accidentally, select Protected against manual changes. If this option is selected, the TOC can only be changed by using the right-click menu or the Insert Table/Index dialog box. If the option is not selected, the TOC can be changed directly on the document page, just like other text. However, any manual changes will be lost when you update it.

Changing the number of levels included

Writer uses 10 levels of headings when it builds the table of contents (or the number of levels used in the document, whichever is smaller). To change the number of levels included, enter the required number in the Evaluate up to level box. For example, the TOC in this book includes only the first four heading levels.

Choosing the scope of the table of contents

The for drop-down list in the Create index/table area, allows you to select whether the TOC will cover all the document's headings (Entire document) or just the headings of the chapter where it is inserted. Writer identifies a “chapter” as all the headings between two first level outline headings (normally Heading 1).

Creating a table of contents from an outline

The third section of the Index/Table page is used to determine what Writer should use to create the TOC. The available choices (not mutually exclusive) are:

By default Writer uses the outline levels; that is, paragraphs formatted with the paragraph styles associated with outline levels in Tools Outline Numbering. In the default document, Heading 1 has outline level 1, Heading 2 outline level 2 and so on up to Heading 10.

You can change the paragraph styles included in the outline as described in “Defining a hierarchy of headings” in Chapter 6, Introduction to Styles. You can include other paragraph styles in the TOC by assigning an outline level to those styles. To do this, modify the paragraph style definition: go to the Outline & Numbering page for the style, and select the required outline level. Click OK to save the change.


Creating from additional styles

By selecting the Additional Styles option on the Index/Table page, you can add more paragraph styles to the TOC. This can be useful when you want to include in the TOC an annex (appendix). If the Outline option is also selected, the additional styles will be included in the table of contents together with the ones defined in the outline numbering. However, headings included in the TOC using this feature are not hyperlinked to the headings in the document body as are headings assigned to outline levels.

Creating from index marks

This selection adds any index entries that you have inserted into the document by using Insert Indexes and Tables Entry. Normally you would not use this selection for a table of contents. However, if you do wish to use it, be sure to select Table of Contents from the drop-down list in the Insert Index Entry dialog box (see Figure 9) when you are entering the index entries for use in a TOC, so that Writer can distinguish between them and any index entries intended for inclusion in an alphabetic index.

Entries page

Use the Entries page to define and format the entries in the TOC. Each outline level can be styled independently from the other levels by adding and deleting elements.

Click on a number in the Level column to select the outline level whose elements you want to format. This will display the Structure line which contains the elements included in the entries for that level. The available elements are displayed just below the structure line and are grayed out if already included:

Each white field on the Structure line represents a blank space where you can add custom text.



If the chapter number defined for your document includes the word “Chapter” before the number itself, then the E# field in the TOC will also include the word “Chapter”. If you want to include the chapter number with the page number (for example, in the style1-1, 1-2, ...”) , you will find that the page number appears in the TOC as Chapter 1-1”, which is probably not what you want.

Adding elements

To add an element to the Structure line:

  1. Click in the white field where you want to insert the element.

  2. Click one of the five buttons just below the Structure line. (For example, to add a tab, click the Tab stop button.) A button representing the new element appears on the Structure line.

  3. To add custom text, such as the word Chapter, type the text in the white field.

Changing elements

To change an element in the Structure line, click the button representing that element and then click the element that you want to substitute in the row of buttons just below the Structure line. For example, to change a chapter number to a tab stop, click the E# button on the Structure line (it shows then as being pressed) and then click the Tab stop button in the row of available elements.

Applying changes to all outline levels

To apply the displayed structure and formatting to all outline levels, click the All button.

Deleting elements

To delete an element from the Structure line, click the button representing that element and then press the Delete key on your keyboard. For example, to delete a tab stop, click the T button and then press the Delete key (Function+Delete on a Mac).

Hyperlinking an entry

To change the default Structure line so that the chapter number and the entry text form a hyperlink, follow these steps:

  1. On the Structure line, place the cursor in the white field to the left of the E# button.

  2. Click the Hyperlink button. An LS button, representing the start of the hyperlink, appears on the Structure line.

  3. On the Structure line, place the cursor in the white field to the right of the E button.

  4. Click the Hyperlink button again. An LE button, representing the end of the hyperlink, appears on the Structure line.

Figure 4 represents the completion of the above steps. The number and the text of the entries on that level will now be hyperlinks.


Applying character styles

You might want an element to be a bit different from the rest of the line. For example, you might want the page number to be bold. To apply a character style to an element:

  1. Be sure you have defined a suitable character style.

  2. On the Structure line, click the button representing the element to which you want to apply a style.

  3. From the Character Style drop-down list, select the desired style.

To view or edit the attributes of a character style, select the style from the Character Style drop-down list and then click the Edit button.


The default character style for hyperlinks is Internet Link, which by default is underlined and shown in blue. If you want the TOC entries to work as hyperlinks, but not appear underlined and blue, you can change the attributes of the Internet Link character style. However, this changes the attributes of all hyperlinks in the document.

If you want other hyperlinks (for example, website addresses) to remain in the default style, select the LS button on the Structure line and change the character style selection for TOC entries to Index Link. If necessary, change the attributes for Index Link to what you want.

Tab position relative to Paragraph Style indent

When this option is selected, entries are indented according to the settings of their individual formats. Where a paragraph style specifies an indent on the left, tab stops are relative to this indent. If this option is not selected, tab stops are relative to the left margin position.

Styles page

Use the Styles page to change which paragraph style is assigned to each level in the table of contents. In most cases, the best strategy is to keep the assigned styles but change their settings as needed to make the TOC appear the way you want.


To apply a custom paragraph style to an outline level:

  1. In the Levels list box, select the outline level.

  2. In the Paragraph Styles list box, click the desired paragraph style.

  3. Click the < button to apply the selected paragraph style to the selected outline level.

The style assigned to each level appears in square brackets in the Levels list.

To remove paragraph styling from an outline level, select the outline level in the Levels list box, and then click the Default button.

To view or edit the attributes of a paragraph style, click the style in the Paragraph Styles list box, and then click the Edit button.


Changes to a paragraph style will affect any text in the document that is formatted using this style, not just the format of the table of contents.

Columns page

Use the Columns page to change the number of columns for the TOC. Multiple columns are more likely to be used in indexes than in TOCs, so this page is described in the section on indexes. See Figure 13.

Background page

Use the Background page to add color or a graphic to the background of the TOC.


Adding Color

To add color to the background of the table of contents, select from the color grid.


Even though the TOC may have a shade behind it while editing, it is actually not shaded by default. It appears shaded because it is a field and will appear to have the same shading all fields have.

Adding a Graphic

To add a graphic to the background of the table of contents:

  1. From the As drop-down list, select Graphic. The Background tab now displays the graphics options, as shown below.

  2. Click the Browse button. The Find graphics dialog box opens.

  3. Find the graphic file you want and then click the Open button. The Find graphics dialog box closes and the selected graphic appears in the graphic preview box on the right-hand side of the Background tab. (If you do not see the graphic, select the Preview checkbox.)

  4. To embed the graphic in your document, clear the Link checkbox. To link the graphic to the document but not embed it, select the Link checkbox.

  5. In the Type area of the Background tab, choose how you want the background graphic to appear:


Deleting a Color or Graphic

To delete color or a graphic from the table background:

  1. From the As drop-down list, select Color.

  2. Click No Fill on the color grid.

Maintaining a table of contents

This section shows you how to:

Editing a table of contents

To edit an existing TOC:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the TOC.

  2. From the pop-up menu, choose Edit Index/Table. The Insert Index/Table dialog box (Figure 1 on page 6) opens and you can edit and save the table as described in the previous section.


If you cannot click in the TOC, it is probably because it is protected. To disable this protection, choose Tools Options LibreOffice Writer Formatting Aids, and then select Enable in the Cursor in protected areas section. If you wish to edit the TOC without enabling the cursor, you can access it from the Navigator.

You can also access the Index/Table dialog box from the Navigator (Figure 8 ).


  1. Open the Navigator (press F5).

  2. Click the expansion symbol (+ sign or triangle) next to Indexes.

  3. Right-click on Table of Contents1 and choose Index Edit.

Updating a table of contents

Writer does not update the TOC automatically, so after any changes to the headings, you must update it manually. To update a TOC when changes are made to the document:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the TOC.

  2. From the pop-up menu, choose Update Index/Table. Writer updates the TOC to reflect the changes in the document.

You can also update the index from the Navigator by right-clicking on Indexes Table of Contents1 and choosing Index Update.

Deleting a table of contents

To delete the TOC from a document:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the TOC.

  2. From the pop-up menu, choose Delete Index/Table. Writer deletes the TOC.


Writer will not prompt you to confirm the delete! Use caution when deleting a TOC.

You can also delete the index from the Navigator by selecting Index Delete from the menu shown in Figure 8.

Alphabetic indexes

An alphabetical index (referred to as an index) is a list of keywords or phrases used throughout a document that, if listed in order with page numbers, may help the reader find information quickly. Generally an index is found in the back of a book or document.

This section describes how to:

Adding index entries

Before you can create an index, you must create some index entries.

  1. Either highlight the word or phrase to add to the index or place the cursor at the beginning of the word or phrase. (If you want to add multiple words as one entry it will generally be better to highlight the entire phrase.)

  2. Choose Insert Indexes and Tables Entry to display a dialog box similar to that shown in Figure 9. You can accept the word or phrase shown in the Entry box or change it to whatever you want. If you placed the cursor at the beginning of a word, clicking on the Entry text box inserts the word into the text box.

  3. Click Insert to create the entry.


See “Customizing index entries” on page 16 for an explanation of the fields on this dialog box.

You can create multiple entries without closing the dialog box. For each one:

  1. Click at the location in the document that you want to index.

  2. Click again on the dialog box.

  3. Change the entry if needed, and click Insert.

  4. Repeat steps 1–3 until you have finished with the entries, then click Close.


If field shading is active (see Tools Options LibreOffice Appearance Text Document Field shadings), when a selected word or phrase has been added to the index, it is shown in the text with a gray background. Index entries whose text is different from the text in the document are marked by a small gray rectangle.


You can also open the Insert Index Entry dialog box by clicking the Entry icon on the Insert toolbar, as shown in Figure 10.


Creating an alphabetic index quickly

Now that you have some index entries, you can create the index.

Although indexes can be customized extensively in Writer, most of the time you need to make only a few choices.

To create an index quickly:

  1. Click in the document where you want to add the index and click Insert Indexes and Tables Indexes and Tables.

  2. In the Type box on the Index/Table page (Figure 11), select Alphabetical Index.

  3. In the Options section, you may want to uncheck Case sensitive (so that capitalized and lower-case words are treated as the same word) and uncheck Combine identical entries with p or pp.

  4. Click OK. The result will be a typical index.

Writer does not update an index automatically. If you add, delete, or change the text of index entries, you need to update the index. To do this, follow the steps outlined in “Updating a table of contents” on page 14.

Customizing index entries

Below is a brief explanation of the fields in the Insert Index Entry dialog box and how to use them.


The type of index this entry is for. The default is Alphabetical Index, but you can use this field to create extra entries for a table of contents or user-defined indexes or lists of almost anything. For example, you might want an index containing only the scientific names of species mentioned in the text, and a separate index containing only the common names of species. See “Other types of indexes” on page 22.


The word or phrase to be added to the selected index. This word or phrase does not need to be in the document itself; you can add synonyms and other terms that you want to appear in the index.

1st key

An index key is an entry that has no associated page number and has several subentries that do have page numbers. Using keys is a useful way of grouping related topics. (See “Example of using an index key” on page 17.)

2nd key

You can have a three-level index, where some of the first-level keys have level-2 entries that are also keys (without page numbers). This degree of index complexity is not often necessary.

Main entry

When the same term is indexed on several pages, often one of those pages has more important or detailed information on that topic, so you want it to be the main entry. To make the page number for the main, or most important, entry stand out, select this option and then define the character style for the page number of a main index entry to be bold, for example.

Apply to all similar texts

Select this option to have Writer automatically identify and mark any other word or phrase that matches the current selection. The Match case and Whole words only options become available if this option is selected. Use this option with care, as it may result in many unwanted page numbers (for minor uses of a word) being listed in the index.

Example of using an index key

An index key is a primary entry under which subentries are grouped. For example, you might want to create a grouping similar to this:


Calc 10

Impress 15

Writer 5

In this example, LibreOffice is the 1st key. The subentries (with the page numbers showing) are the indexed entries. To insert an index entry for the topic Writer, on the Insert Index Entry dialog box (Figure 9 on page 15), type Writer in the Entry box and LibreOffice in the 1st key box.

Customizing the appearance of an index

To customize an existing index, right-click anywhere in the index and choose Modify from the pop-up menu.

The Insert Index/Table dialog box (Figure 11) has five pages. Any or all of them can be used to customize the appearance of an index.

The preview box, located on the left-hand side of the dialog box, shows as you work how the index will look. (If you do not see the preview box, select Preview in the lower right-hand corner of the dialog box.)

After making your changes, click OK to save the index so it appears in your document.

Index/Table page

Use the Index/Table page (Figure 11) to set the basic attributes of the index.

  1. To give the Index a different title, type it in the Title field. To delete the title, clear the Title field.

  2. Be sure the Type of Index is set to Alphabetic Index.

  3. To prevent the index from being changed accidentally, select Protected against manual changes. If this option is selected, the index can only be changed using the right-click menu or the Insert Table/Index dialog box. If the option is not selected, the index can be changed directly on the document page, just like other text, but any manual changes to an index are lost when you update it.

  4. From the drop-down list in the Create index/table area, select Entire document. You can also choose to create an index for just the current chapter.


  1. Various other options determine how the index handles entries:

Entries page

Use the Entries page to set exactly how and what will be displayed for each of the entries. The page is similar to Figure 12.


To begin, click a number in the Level column to select the index level whose elements you want to format. (You will be able to apply your changes to all index levels later.) The Structure line displays the elements for entries in that level. Each button on the Structure line represents one element:

Each white field on the Structure line represents a blank space. You can add custom text if you desire.

Adding elements

To add an element to the Structure line:

  1. Place the cursor in the white field to the left of where you want to insert the element.

  2. Click one of the buttons below the Structure line. (For example, to add a tab stop, click the Tab stop button.) A button representing the new element appears on the Structure line.

Changing elements

To change an element in the Structure line, click the button representing that element and then click the element that you want to substitute in the row of buttons just below the Structure line. For example, to change entry text to a tab stop, click the E# button on the Structure line (it shows then as being pressed) and then click the Tab stop button in the row of available elements.

Deleting elements

To delete an element from the Structure line, click the button that represents that element and then press the Delete key on your keyboard. For example, to delete a tab stop, click the T button and then press the Delete key (Function+Delete on a Mac).

Applying character styles

Each of the items that can be added to the Structure line may have additional formatting. For example, you may want the page number to be a different size from the rest of the index text. To do this, apply a character style to one of the elements in the Structure line.

To apply a character style to an element:

  1. On the Structure line, click the button representing the element to which you want to apply a style.

  2. Select the desired style from the Character Style drop-down list. Writer applies the style to the selected element.

To view or edit the attributes of a character style, select the style from the Character Style drop-down list and then click the Edit button.

Formatting entries

Apply additional formatting using the options in the Format section.

apple, 4

author, 10

break, 2

bus, 4

then selecting this option will give you:


apple, 4

author, 10


break, 2

bus, 4

Styles, Columns and Background pages

Refer to “Styles page” on page 11, the Columns page on page 11 and “Background page” on page 11.

Columns page

Use the Columns page (Figure 13) to change the number of columns for the index.


Adding multiple columns

To display the index in more than one column:

  1. Either enter the number of columns desired in the box labeled Columns or select the icon representing the number of columns.

  2. To evenly distribute the columns according to the page width, check the AutoWidth box. If it is unchecked, you can manually set each of the following:

  1. You can choose to have a separator line between the columns:

Maintaining an index

To modify the appearance of an index:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the index.

  2. From the context menu, choose Edit Index/Table. The Insert Index/Table dialog box opens and you can edit and save the index using the five tabs described in the previous section.

To update or delete an index, follow the process described in the sections “Updating a table of contents” and “Deleting a table of contents” on page 14.

Viewing and editing existing index entries

Once you have added the initial entries, you can make some amendments or add some new ones. You can view and edit these using the following steps:

  1. Ensure that field shading is active (Tools Options LibreOffice Appearance Text Document Field shadings), so you can locate index entries more easily.

  2. Place the cursor immediately to the left of an existing index entry in the body of your document and select Edit Index Entry. Alternatively, right-click on the word or phrase and from the pop-up menu select Index Entry.

  3. A dialog box similar to Figure 14 appears. You can move through the various index entries using the forward and back arrow buttons. If there is more than one entry for a single word or phrase, then you can scroll through each of the entries.

  4. Make the necessary modifications or additions to the index entries, and then click OK.


Other types of indexes

An alphabetical index is not the only type of index that you can build with Writer. Other types of indexes supplied with Writer include those for illustrations, tables, and objects, and you can even create a user-defined index. This chapter does not give examples of all the possibilities.

To create other indexes:

  1. Place the cursor where you want the index created.

  2. Select Insert Indexes and tables Indexes and tables from the menu bar.

  3. On the Insert Index/Table dialog box, in the Type drop-down list, select the index wanted.

  4. Modify the various pages, which are very similar to those discussed in previous sections.

  5. Select OK when everything has been set.

Example: Creating an index of figures

Creating an index (list) of figures or tables is easy if the figure captions were created Insert Caption or manually using a number range variable as described in Chapter 14, Working with Fields.

  1. On the Insert Index/Table dialog box, in the Type drop-down list, choose Illustration Index. You can change the title of the index to something else; we have used Table of Figures as our title.


  1. Be sure Captions is selected in the Create from section, and choose the category of caption. The default category is Illustration; in our example we have used Figure for the figure captions.

(The category Figure is not supplied with LibreOffice; however, if you have defined it when creating a caption in your document, it will appear on this list. See Chapter 8, Working with Graphics, for more about creating captions.)

  1. Under Display, you can choose References (to include the category, number, and caption text), Category and Number, or Caption Text. We have chosen References.

  2. On the Entries page, notice that hyperlinking from the index to the body of the document is not available, but you can make some other selections.


  1. Click OK. The result is shown below.



A bibliography is useful for displaying references used throughout a document. These references are either stored in a bibliographic database or within the document itself.

This section shows you how to:

For most of this section, the database table used is the sample one that comes with Writer. For information on creating a new table in the bibliographic database, see Chapter 8, Getting Started with Base, in the Getting Started guide.

Creating a bibliographic database

Although you can create references within the document itself, creating a bibliographic database allows reuse in other documents and saves a lot of time.

Select Tools Bibliography Database. A window similar to that in Figure 18 is shown.

You can use the top portion of this window to:

The middle portion of the window shows each of the records in a table layout similar to that of a spreadsheet. Additional fields can be viewed by scrolling the table to the right.

The bottom portion of the window shows the contents of the selected record.


Filtering records

To set up a filter for specific records within the bibliographic database, select Tools Filter from the Bibliographic Database menu bar. On the Standard Filter dialog box (Figure 19), choose the fields, conditions and values for the filter and click OK.


Changing column details

To change the details of columns in the bibliographic database, click the Column Arrangement button near the top of the window. The Column Layout for Table biblio dialog box (Figure 20) is displayed.


Changing the data source

To change the data source in use (for example, if you have more than one bibliographic database for different purposes), click the Data Source button near the top of the window. The Choose Data Source dialog box (Figure 21) is displayed.


Changing field details

You can make changes to the bibliography database (for example, rename fields or change the length of fields) by doing the following:

  1. In the main document (not the Bibliography Database window), press F4 or click View Data Sources to open the data source window, similar to Figure 22.


  1. Make sure that the Bibliography database is selected as well as the correct table. You may have to expand some levels to be able to select the correct ones.

  2. Right-click on the table entry (biblio in the example) and select Edit Database File from the pop-up menu. This opens a window similar to Figure 23, which is the main menu for Base, the database component of LibreOffice.


  1. If Tables (under the Database view) is not selected, select it now.

  2. Right-click on the biblio table name in the Tables section and select Edit from the pop-up menu to display a window similar to that shown in Figure 24.

  3. You can now select each of the rows and modify the Field Properties as required.

  4. When finished, you will be asked to confirm that you want the changes saved.


For more information on how to use LibreOffice’s database features, see Chapter 8, Getting Started with Base, in the Getting Started guide.

Adding entries to the database

To add entries to the database:

  1. You can add records directly into the database using the lower portion of the window shown in Figure 18 on page 25.

  2. Complete each of the fields as required. Use the Tab key to move between fields.

  3. It is best to use a unique name in the Short name field. This is used when inserting entries into documents.

  4. To complete the entry move to the last field and press Tab once more.


The Identifier column in the upper portion of the Bibliography Database window is labeled Short name in the lower portion of the window.


If your document requires [Author, date] style citations, use the Identifier (Short name) field of the database to record the information in the required format. If you are using a simple citation numbering system (for example, [1],[2],...), use a unique reference of some sort in the Identifier (Short name) field. Writer will auto-number entries based on the position within the document.

Maintaining entries in the database

To maintain entries in the database, use the Bibliography Database window as in the previous section. Click on the appropriate field and modify the text as appropriate.

Modified entries are saved automatically to the database when the cursor moves off the record.

Adding a reference (citation) into a document

Writer supports two ways of showing references (citations) in the text of a document:


To specify which citation style is used in the document, use the Index/Table page on the Insert Index/Table dialog box, described on page 30.

To add references from the bibliographic database into a document:

  1. Place the cursor where you want the reference to appear.

  2. From the main menu, choose Insert Indexes and Tables Bibliographic entry.

  3. In the Insert Bibliographic Entry dialog box, choose From bibliography database at the top of the dialog box. (You can also insert a reference from the document itself by selecting From document content, but that method is not covered in this chapter.)


  1. Select the reference from the Short name drop-down list near the bottom of the dialog box. The Author and Title of the selected reference are shown in the middle of the dialog box, to help you verify that it is the reference you want.

  2. To insert the reference into the document, click Insert.

  3. You can keep the dialog box open and insert another reference into the document; you don’t need to close and reopen it.

  4. When you have finished inserting all the references, select Close.

Formatting the bibliography

Formatting the bibliography involves choices made in two places:

To create the bibliography:

  1. Place the cursor at the point where you wish to insert the bibliography.

  2. Select Insert Indexes and Tables Indexes and Tables and change the Type to Bibliography, to see a dialog box similar to that shown in Figure 26.

The Insert Index/Table dialog box has five pages.

Index/Table page

The basic settings are selected on this page.

  1. To give the bibliography a title, enter it in the Title field. (A title is not required.)

  2. You can protect the bibliography from being changed accidentally, by checking Protected against manual changes. If this option is selected, the bibliography can only be changed using the right-click menu or the Insert Table/Index dialog box. If the option is not selected, the bibliography can be changed directly on the document page, just like other text, but any manual changes will be lost when you update the bibliography.


  1. To have the bibliographic entries numbered within the body of the document (for example, [1], [2], ...), select Number entries. If, however, you wish to have the field Identifier (from the database) appear in the document, deselect this option.

  2. Select the type of brackets that you want for the referenced entries shown within the body of the document.

  3. Define the sorting you require. Currently only alphanumeric sorting is supported. Sorting by the the sequence that entries appear in the text is done on the Entries page.

Entries page

The structure of this page is similar to that for tables of contents and indexes (see Figure 27).

You can define how the entry will appear based on the Type of the entry, or simply apply the same format to all entries by selecting the All button.

The Structure of the entry is based on the fields available in the bibliographic database. The ones shown by default are:

To determine how entries are sorted, modify the Sort by options. To sort by the sequence that entries appear in the text, choose Document position. To sort alphanumerically, choose Content. Use Sort keys to group similar references.

Styles, Columns and Background pages

Refer to “Styles page” on page 11 and “Columns page” on page 21. Use of the Background page is in Chapter 4, Formatting Pages.


Generating the bibliography

To generate the bibliography so that it appears in your document, click OK. The Insert Index/Table dialog box closes and the bibliography appears in your document.

Defining the paragraph style for the bibliography

You can modify the Bibliography 1 paragraph style to suit your requirements. For example, to number the entries in the bibliography list, you need to define a numbering style and link that numbering style to the Bibliography 1 paragraph style. To do this:

  1. On the Styles and Formatting window, click on the List Styles icon. You can either define a new list style or modify one of those supplied. In this example, we will modify the Numbering 1 style. Right-click on Numbering 1 and choose Modify from the pop-up menu.

  2. On the Numbering Style dialog box, go to the Options page. In our example we want to have the numbers enclosed in square brackets. To do this, type [ in the Before box and ] in the After box, as shown in Figure 28.


  1. Now go to the Position tab of the Numbering style dialog box. In the Spacing to text box, specify how much indentation you want for the second and following lines of any item in the bibliography list of your document. Often you will need to experiment a bit to see what is the best setting. In our example (Figure 29), we have chosen 1 cm.


  1. Click OK to save these settings and close the Numbering Style dialog box. Return to the Styles and Formatting window, click on the Paragraph Styles icon, choose All Styles from the list at the bottom of that window, then right-click on Bibliography 1 and choose Modify.

  2. On the Paragraph Style dialog box, go to the Numbering tab and select Numbering 1 from the drop-down list. (See Figure 30.) Click OK to save this change to the Bibliography 1 paragraph style.


Now when you generate the bibliography, the list will look something like the one shown in Figure 31.


Updating and editing an existing bibliography

To modify the display of bibliography entries:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the bibliography.

  2. From the pop-up menu, choose Edit Index/Table. The Insert Index/Table dialog box opens and you can edit and save the table using the five pages described in Formatting the bibliography on page 29.

To update or delete the bibliography, follow the same process as described in the sections Updating a table of contents and “Deleting a table of contents” on page 14.

Tools for working with bibliographies

If you find Writer’s bibliography feature too limited, try Bibus (http://bibus-biblio.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) or Zotero (http://www.zotero.org/). Both programs are free and open source and are reported to work well with Writer.