Here is a small demonstration showing how the BorderLayout places components added with the region constraints.
import javax.swing.*; public class BorDemo extends JFrame{ JButton n = new JButton("North"); JButton e = new JButton("East"); JButton s = new JButton("South"); JButton w = new JButton("West"); JButton c = new JButton("Centre"); public static void main(String argv[]){ BorDemo b = new BorDemo(); } BorDemo(){ getContentPane().add(n,"North"); getContentPane().add(e,"East"); getContentPane().add(s,"South"); getContentPane().add(w,"West"); getContentPane().add(c,"Center"); setVisible(true); setSize(300,300); } }
Note how the add method is overloaded to take a region constraint.
This is how the program displays itself.
Last modified: Thursday, 24 July 2014, 2:54 PM